Flower Walks app
Botanical treasure hunt with the «Flower Walks» app
The new "Flower Walks" app combines a hiking guide and a plant identification book in a playful way for the first time: the app presents more than 800 plant species and 60 habitats along over 40 attractive hiking routes throughout Switzerland. The plants and habitats are presented on the smartphone/tablet with photos and exciting background information when the species can be seen along the way. All content of the app is stored offline on the smartphone/tablet, so that only the location service is required during the hike.
The free app is available in the iTunes Store and in the Google Play Store. It is bilingual (de/fr) and can be installed on Android and iOS devices.
All the information is also on the websitewww.flowerwalks.chavailable.
Best regards
Muriel Bendel & Wolfgang Bischoff
Flower Walks - A la riva dal Rom - from the source to Sta. Mary (GR)
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