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On two wheels in the national park region
Cycle path Tschierv - Malles - Meran
The cycle path leads from the high alpine natural landscape in Val Müstair through the orchards in Vinschgau down to southern Meran and is cycling fun for the whole family. You can return to Val Müstair with the Vinschger train and the Swiss post bus from Malles.
Tschierv-Mals-Meran cycle path
Best season:
May - October
Bike rental:
Bike shop «The Bike Patcher» Müstair, Tel. 081 858 59 63
Bikes in all categories and for all ages.
Bike transport :
Postbus: Reservations at Terretaz, Tel. 081 856 10 90
Bikemobil Card: Use of public transport in South Tyrol to Tschierv,

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